今回はAIチャットサービスのChatGPTを使ってTOEIC公式問題集1 リーディングパート7の読解問題(サンプル問題)に挑戦してみました。
公式TOEIC問題集 1 Part7 サンプル問題19-20
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
Questions 19-20 refer to the following text-message chain.
SAM BACH (11:59)
My first flight was delayed, so I missed my connection in Beijing.
SAM BACH (12:00)
So now, I’m going to be on a flight arriving in Kansai at 18:00.
OK. Same airline?
SAM BACH (12:06)
It’s still Fly Right Airlines. It will be later in the day but still in time for our client meeting.
I’ll confirm the arrival time. Do you have any checked bags?
SAM BACH (12:10)
I do. Would you mind meeting me at the door after I go through customs?
Sure thing. Parking spots can be hard to find, but now HI have extra time to drive around and look.
SAM BACH (12:16)
Yes, sorry about that. See you then!
19. What is suggested about Mr. Bach?
(A) He has been to Kansai more than once.
(B) He currently works in Beijing.
(C) He is on a business trip.
(D) He works for Fly Right Airlines.20. At 12:15, what does Mr. Otani mean when he writes, “Sure thing”?
(A) He has confirmed the arrival time of a flight.
公式TOEIC問題集 1 Part7 サンプル問題19-20
(B) He is certain he will be able to find a parking place.
(C) He agrees to wait at the door near the customs area.
(D) He knows Mr. Bach must pass through customs.
19. Answer: (C) He is on a business trip.
The text message chain suggests that Mr. Bach is on a business trip, as he mentions a “client meeting” that he needs to attend in Kansai.
テキストメッセージのチェーンから、Bachさんは関西で出席する必要のある “client meeting “に言及し、出張中であることが示唆される。
20. Answer: (C) He agrees to wait at the door near the customs area.
When Mr. Bach asks if Mr. Otani can meet him at the door after he goes through customs, Mr. Otani responds with “Sure thing,” indicating that he agrees to wait for Mr. Bach at the door.
Bachさんが「税関を通った後、Otaniさんと玄関で待ち合わせできるか」と尋ねると、Otaniさんは “Sure thing” と答え、玄関でバッハ氏を待つことに同意したことを示している。
公式TOEIC問題集 1 Part7 サンプル問題21-24
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
Questions 21-24 refer to the following information.
Noticeboard Space Available to Community Groups
Mooringtown Library is pleased to invite local community groups to use the free advertising space on its new noticeboard, located outside the front entrance of the library. Space on the board is available for up to four weeks at a time.
Notices must be approved in advance at the library’s front desk and must meet the following requirements. All content must be suitable for public display. The notice must be written or printed on standard-quality paper with dimensions of either 8.5 in. x 11 in. or 5.5 in. x 8.5 in. The desired start and end date for display should be written in the front bottom right corner. —[1]— .Any notices that do not meet these requirements will not be considered and will be discarded. — [2] —.
—[3] 一. Submissions are now being accepted at the Mooringtown Library front desk. Please have the actual notice, in the format in which you would like it to appear, with you when you arrive. Within one business day, you will receive a call confirming that your notice has been added to the board. — [4]—.
Mooringtown Library
21.What is indicated about advertising space on the Mooringtown Library noticeboard?
(A) It is available at no charge.
(B) It can be used for any length of time.
(C) It is open to all area businesses.
(D) It is intended mainly for sporting events.22. What is NOT a stated requirement for a notice to be placed on the board?
(A) It must be of a particular size.
(B) It must be marked with posting dates.
(C) It must be reviewed beforehand.
(D) It must be signed by a librarian.23. What should an advertiser bring to the library when making a submission?
(A) An outline of proposed content
(B) A final version of the notice
(C) A completed submission form
(D) A letter from an organization24. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“The name and telephone number of the person posting the notice must be clearly marked on the back.”
公式TOEIC問題集 1 Part7 サンプル問題21-24
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]
21. Answer: (A) It is available at no charge.
The text states that the advertising space on the Mooringtown Library noticeboard is free, indicating that it is available at no charge.
本文では、Mooringtown Libraryの掲示板の広告スペースは無料であるとしており、無償で利用できることがわかる。
22. Answer: (D) It must be signed by a librarian.
The text mentions requirements for notices to be placed on the board, including size, posting dates, and review, but it does not mention that the notice must be signed by a librarian.
23. Answer: (B) A final version of the notice
The text states that when making a submission, an advertiser should bring “the actual notice, in the format in which you would like it to appear,” indicating that a final version of the notice should be brought to the library.
24.:Answer: (B) [2] 不正解
The sentence “The name and telephone number of the person posting the notice must be clearly marked on the back” is a requirement for notices that do not meet the stated requirements, and it is presented as a continuation of the sentence in [2], which states that notices that do not meet the requirements will not be considered and will be discarded. Therefore, it best belongs in [2].

(A) should be correct for questi
Yes, you are correct. The sentence “The name and telephone number of the person posting the notice must be clearly marked on the back” should belong in position [1], where the notice requirements are being described. Thank you for pointing that out.

Yes, you are correct. The sentence “The name and telephone number of the person posting the notice must be clearly marked on the back” should belong in position [1], where the notice requirements are being described. Thank you for pointing that out.

公式TOEIC問題集 1 Part7 サンプル問題25-29
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
Questions 25-29 refer to the following advertisement, online shopping cart, and e-mail.
Sparky Paints, Inc.
Sparky Paints, Inc., makes it easy to select the right colors for your home. Browse through hundreds of colors on our Web site, Select your top colors, and well send free samples right to your door. Our color samples are three times larger than typical samples found in home-improvement stores and come with self-adhesive backing, allowing you to adhere them to your walls so you can easily see how colors will coordinate in your home. When you’re ready to begin painting, simply select your chosen colors online, and well ship the paint of your choice to arrive at your home within 3-5 business days, or within 2 business days for an additional expedited shipping fee.
*Actual colors may differ slightly from what appears on your monitor. For this reason, we recommend ordering several samples in similar shades.
Sparky Paints, Inc.
Order Summary #3397 Customer: Arun Phan
Item Size Quantity Price
Caspian Blue SP 237 n/a 1 $0.00
Deep Sea Blue SP 298 n/a 1 $0.00
Stormy Blue SP 722 n/a 1 $0.00
Misty Gray SP 944 Gallon 2 $50.00
TAX (8 percent) $4.00
Expedited shipping $18.99
Total $72.99Proceed to Checkout
From: Arun Phan <>
To: Customer Support <>
Date: March 12
Subject: Order #3397Hello,
Thanks for sending my order #3397 — it arrived this morning. Unfortunately, the paint was not the one I had asked for. I had selected color SP 944 but received SP 945 (Ocean Waves). They appear right next to each other on your Web site, so the two may have been confused at your end. Could you send me the correct paint, along with additional samples that are close in color to SP 722? That sample worked well in my house; the others looked too green on my walls.
Thank you,
Arun Phan
25. In the advertisement, the word “top” in paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning to
(A) maximum
(B) favorite
(C) important
(D) upper26. What are Sparky Paints customers advised to do?
(A) Apply an adhesive to color samples
(B) Visit a store to compare paint colors
(C) Adjust the color on their computer monitors
(D) Order samples of several similar colors27. What is most likely true about order #3397?
(A) It arrived within two business days.
(B) It included an extra sample.
(C) It was shipped in February.
(D) It contained four gallons of paint.28. Which color does Mr. Phan indicate that he likes?
(A) Caspian Blue
(B) Deep Sea Blue
(C) Stormy Blue
(D) Misty Gray29. What problem did Mr. Phan mention in his e-mail?
(A) He received the wrong item.
公式TOEIC問題集 1 Part7 サンプル問題25-29
(B) He was charged the wrong price.
(C) The delivery time was too long.
(D) The instructions were too confusing
25. Answer: (B) favorite.
The word “top” in this context refers to the colors that the customer likes the most. “Top colors” can be interpreted as “favorite colors.”
ここでいう “トップ “とは、お客様が最も好きな色という意味です。”トップカラー “は、”好きな色 “と解釈することができます。
26. Answer: (D) Order samples of several similar colors.
The advertisement advises customers to order several samples in similar shades. This is because the actual colors may differ slightly from what appears on a customer’s monitor.
27. Answer: (A) It arrived within two business days.
The online shopping cart does not provide any information about when the order was placed or shipped, but the email from Mr. Phan is dated March 12th and refers to the order as having already arrived. The advertisement indicates that expedited shipping takes 2 business days, so it is most likely that Mr. Phan paid for expedited shipping and received his order within that time frame.
オンライン・ショッピング・カートは、注文や発送がいつ行われたかについての情報を提供しませんが、Phan さんからの電子メールは3月12日の日付で、注文がすでに到着したことを述べています。広告では、迅速な発送には2営業日かかるとされているので、Phanさんは迅速な発送の料金を払い、その期間内に注文を受け取った可能性が高い。
28. Answer: (D) Misty Gray 不正解
In his email, Mr. Phan mentions that he ordered two gallons of paint in color SP 944 and that he liked the sample of color SP 722. He does not mention any of the other colors, so the answer is (D) Misty Gray, which is the color he ordered.
Phan さんのメールでは、SP 944 色の塗料を 2 ガロン注文したこと、SP 722 色のサンプルが気に入ったことが書かれています。他の色については一切触れていないので、答えは(D) Misty Grayで、これは彼が注文した色である。

Mr. Phan said “Could you send me the correct paint, along with additional samples that are close in color to SP 722? That sample worked well in my house; the others looked too green on my walls.”. Isn’t (c) the correct answer for question 28?

You are correct, I apologize for the mistake. Answer choice (C) “Stormy Blue” is the correct answer for question 28. Mr. Phan mentions that he liked the color sample SP 722 in his house, so he requests additional samples that are close in color to it. Therefore, “Stormy Blue” is the correct answer, as it is one of the color samples that Mr. Phan liked. Thank you for pointing this out.
正解です、失礼しました。解答選択肢(C)「ストーミーブルー」は、第28問の正解です。ファンさんは、ご自宅のカラーサンプルSP722が気に入ったので、それに近い色のサンプルを追加で依頼していることを述べています。したがって、「Stormy Blue」はPhan氏が気に入ったカラーサンプルの1つであるため、正解となります。ご指摘ありがとうございました。
29. Answer: (A) He received the wrong item.
Mr. Phan indicates in his email that he received color SP 945 (Ocean Waves) instead of the color he had selected (SP 944). This suggests that there was a mix-up in the order and he received the wrong item.
Phan さんのメールによると、彼が選択した色(SP 944)ではなく、SP 945(オーシャンウェーブス)が届いたとのことです。このことから、注文に手違いがあり、間違った商品を受け取ってしまったと考えられます。
今回のTOEIC Part7のTOEIC公式問題集1のPart7サンプル問題を解いた結果、11問中9問正解でした。正解だった問題は、解答の根拠を正しく指摘していました。